Bringing brands to life, from imagination to reality. Meeting brands and taking them on new journeys. Finding ourselves and the unlimited potential of who we can be along the way.


Fire-starter. Work hacker.
Party elevator.

Reuben can sense the pulse of a business from the first client conversation.

He builds game plans for every project and breaks it into delectable, design tasks.

Excel sheets, client meets, strategy discussions, biryani concussions, financial wizard, lie-detector lizard: Reuben is Purplemango’s go-to man to get things done.

Our complex, calorie calculator who is admired, feared, loved and revered in equal measure.


Collector of thoughts.
Connector of dots.

Reshma feels the soul of the brand, experiences its emotions and builds conversations around it.

She spends her days staring into space, spilling stories in blue ink on ruled sheets of paper.

Dreamer collector, Concept cracker, Straight-shooter, Love-rooter, Tree-hugger, money-shrugger : Reshma is everyone’s ‘chechy’ at Purplemango.

When her arms start to flail, we know another big idea is ready to take flight.


Work Tracker. Process Hacker. Chai Player. Biscuit Slayer.

Noel warned us about his love to organize and his overwhelming urge to keep working. Little did we know we’d be scrambling to
keep up!
He’s a legend in picking up where others leave off, connecting dots we didn’t know
existed, and ironing out sneaky issues no one else dares touch. He’s a machine for finding
smart ways to streamline, caffeinate, and
elevate the team.


Power Point Packer. Lame Game Hacker. Coconut Oil Stacker.

When Sageev joined Purplemango, he came with an inspiring story. Over time, he wrote a better one—the one we tell every newbie starting their journey.
A natural learner, instinctive and always a step ahead, he cracks problems like he keeps his hair: oiled, untangled, and effortlessly in place.
Ten years in, and there’s still nothing he can’t figure out. Here’s to Sageev: the man, the myth, the multitasking legend—powered by coconut oil and pure genius.


Design Wizard. Kurkure Lizard. Character Creator. Ego Equator.

Every time we get a challenging brief, Vishnu pulls a goat out of his hat, complete with
bleating. Gifted beyond measure yet grounded to the core, Vishnu is our secret weapon and a national treasure.
He leads, guides, knows and grows our design team, with kindness and manic giggles.
Sabse bada Cool Guy, Zor se Bolo Vishnu Bhai. Har din ko karta High! Sabse Pyaara Vishnu Bhai.